- Apache HTTP Server [for Windows: here]
During installation you will be able to choose your custom server directory, like:
When apache installation is over, extract PHP .zip file into C:\server\PHP.
Copy php5ts.dll and ntwdblib.dll to C:\Windows\system32\.
Change file name php.ini-recommended to php.ini.
Now, let's stop for a moment to configure php.ini
> display_errors = Off
you might need to know when and what something is wrong so turn it on
> ;error_log = filename
same as above, delete ; and replace filename with the path to a file, where you want PHP to write errors
eg: C:/server/errors.php.log
> extension_dir = “./”
if your PHP directory is C:/server/PHP replace “./” with C:/server/PHP/ext/
> ;extension=php_mbstring.dll…
These entries define which extensions are turned on. Default, all are off. There is no need to turn them all on, because they are loaded during the start of the system. Delete ; to turn on just a few of them you'll need:
php_mbstring, php_bz2, php_gd2, php_imap, php_mysql
Save changes and copy php5apache2_2.dll from PHP folder to apache\bin.
Last step - configure Apache
Open apache/conf/httpd.conf in notepad and add at the end of the file:
LoadModule php5_module "bin/php5apache2_2.dll"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
also you might want to change the line
DocumentRoot “C:/server/apache/htdocs”
it's a place where you put your .php sites you want to view.
DirectoryIndex index.html
add here also index.htm default.html default.htm index.php
Save changes, put your site in an appropriate folder and view them in your browser by hitting
http://localhost/ or
I believe that installing PHP isn't too easy for beginners. I've been through many useless tutorials until I have found a one written by EriZ, which I've translated and shortened to make it all even more quick and clear.
Test się udał! ;P
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