Thursday, December 9, 2010

New header

I was thinking some time before about creating an image that would symbolize stuff related to me and my interests, but just today I decided to set is as a header. Just a shallow draft of most things that define me. Mutable and incomplete, but may stand as a little outline of what to expect on this blog. Not hard to guess what particular image means, I hope.

If you don't like it - gtfo. My skills at graphics are equal almost 0 so I'm proud of it anyway.

Why 0 blogging for so long time? Was just busy spending time on having fun doing other things and I'm sure that's all you need to know.


  1. "If you don't like it - gtfo. My skills at graphics are equal almost 0 so I'm proud of it anyway." <3

    Co Ty perdolisz perunie dobrze jest : ]

  2. Dobra grafika. Streszcza zainteresowania o dość wiele mówi. Co oznacza ta piramida? Bo mi się Bloom Effect od piwa załącza i niedowidzę xD

  3. Piramida oznacza, że w poprzednim wcieleniu byłem Kleopatrą. a tak na serio to piramida żywienia :D *zagryza piersią z kurczaka*

  4. cały Folmi xD
    A teraz Fall, wyobraź sobie jakby to wyglądało 3-4-5 lat temu, ciekawe czy dojdziesz do tego samego wniosku jak ja - jak bardzo się zmieniłeś
